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Englisch Hilfe! Dringend

ZahlReich - Mathematik Hausaufgabenhilfe » Klassen 8-10 » Sonstiges » Englisch Hilfe! Dringend « Zurück Vor »

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Herlitz (Herlitz)
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Benutzername: Herlitz

Nummer des Beitrags: 26
Registriert: 03-2003
Veröffentlicht am Samstag, den 25. September, 2004 - 13:04:   Beitrag drucken

Ich muss eine Zeitschrift vor der Klasse beschreiben. Bitte verbessert oder gebt mir Tipps. Danke.
My favourite magazine is the TV Movie. My parents buy it always in the supermarket. It is very interesting and gets lots of information. This magazine is very clear organized. Here you can see the days and the lists of the films. Every day has a special colour, so you can find it faster. It is for the two following weeks. But you can’t only see the TV program. Here is a list of the 100 best films in the world. In the TV Movie will the films assess and a short text tells the film. Here is a page about films in the next time. Or here you can see the cinema charts. This page is about animal documentations. The next sides are about the Formula1. I look it every weekend, if it be. The TV Movie is my favourite magazine, because it gets lots of information all over the world. Here are the news of sport, a list of the fantastic films in the world, quizzes, news of the promise and many more. All these things are in it. Besides it is very cheap.
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Friedrichlaher (Friedrichlaher)
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Senior Mitglied
Benutzername: Friedrichlaher

Nummer des Beitrags: 2408
Registriert: 02-2002
Veröffentlicht am Samstag, den 25. September, 2004 - 15:20:   Beitrag drucken

My favourite magazine is
TV Movie. My parents buy

it always in the supermarket.

it regularly at ... oder each issue of it at ...

It is very interesting and getsoffers lots of information.

This magazine is very clear organized.

.. is organized very clearly

Here you can see the days and the lists of the films.
Every day has a special colour, so you can find it faster. It is for the two following weeks.

But you can’t only see the TV program.

But there is more than just the TV program.

Hol bitte weitere Meinungen ein und vergiss nicht
daß er hier auch ein eigenes Englischforum gibt
( )
Here is a list of the 100 best films in the world
. In the TV Movie will the films assess and a short text tells the film.

For instance a list of the 100 best films world wide, their ranking and short descriptions of them

Here is a page about films in the next time.

as well as a page about films in the future

Or here you can see the cinema charts. This page is about animal documentations. The next sides are about the Formula1. I look it every weekend, if
it be.
there is a race .

The TV Movie is my favourite magazine, because it getsoffers oder presents
lots of information
all over the world.
FROM all over ...

Here are

It covers

the news offrom sports,

a list of the fantastic films in the world,

lists fantastic film from all over ..

entertaines with quizzes and news of

the promise ??? famous people

and manymuch more. All these things are in it. Besides it is very cheap.
Wenn das Erlernen der Mathematik einigermaßen ihre Erfindung wiederspiegeln soll, so muß es einen Platz für Erraten, für plausibles Schließen haben.
[Aus dem Vorwort zu "Mathematik und plausibles Schliessen, Bd. 1 Induktion und Analogie in der Mathematik" von Georg Pólya]
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Herlitz (Herlitz)
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Benutzername: Herlitz

Nummer des Beitrags: 27
Registriert: 03-2003
Veröffentlicht am Samstag, den 25. September, 2004 - 15:29:   Beitrag drucken

Danke für die schnelle Hilfe.
Ich weiss, dass es eine Englischseite gibt, aber irgendwie klappt das mit der Anmeldung bei mir nicht. Ich werd's nochmal versuchen.
Tschüss herlitz

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