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Englisch Hilfe! Dringend

ZahlReich - Mathematik Hausaufgabenhilfe » Klassen 8-10 » Sonstiges » Englisch Hilfe! Dringend « Zurück Vor »

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Herlitz (Herlitz)
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Benutzername: Herlitz

Nummer des Beitrags: 25
Registriert: 03-2003
Veröffentlicht am Montag, den 13. September, 2004 - 16:05:   Beitrag drucken

Ich muss über meine Erfahrungen über das Internet einen Aufsatz schreiben.Bitte korregiert meinen Aufsatz. Für Vörschläge bin ich auch offen.Danke.

The Internet is the telecommunication in the future. Since five years I have a computer and since the 7.class I have Internet. It must be. Before I had it, I must look in lots of books or sometimes I went to a library to get information for presentations. It cost time and money. But now I can get information very fast. I can use it to answer questions for homework or make exercises to learn for a test. In the Internet I find lots of pictures for presentations. Sometimes I use it for other things. I write e-mails or talk with other people, but only rare. I play some games or download music. My family take it to plan our holidays. But most time I use it for school. It has a big meaning, but it isn’t much important as my friends.
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Ingo (Ingo)
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Benutzername: Ingo

Nummer des Beitrags: 973
Registriert: 08-1999
Veröffentlicht am Montag, den 13. September, 2004 - 18:57:   Beitrag drucken

Würde mal empfehlen. Dies hier ist ein Matheforum.
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Friedrichlaher (Friedrichlaher)
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Senior Mitglied
Benutzername: Friedrichlaher

Nummer des Beitrags: 2391
Registriert: 02-2002
Veröffentlicht am Montag, den 13. September, 2004 - 23:08:   Beitrag drucken

Ingo hat schon recht, aber ich versuchs halt mal
The Internet is the telecommunication in
of the future
the future.

I've been owning a computer for 5 years now and using the Internet since 7th grade.
Since five years I have a computer and since the 7.class I have Internet.

Probably I'd be lost without it.
It must be.

Before I had access to it, I had to .. and go to ...
Before I had it, I must look in lots of books or sometimes I went to a library
to get information for presentations.

It has been costing me time and money.
It cost time and money.

But now I can get information very fast.
I can use it to answer questions for homework

or get exercises... to prepare myself for a test.
or make exercises to learn for a test.

The Internet offers ...
In the Internet I find lots of pictures for presentations.

Sometimes I use it for other things.
I write e-mails or talk with other people, but only rarely.
I play some games or download music.

... uses ist for planning ...
My family take it to plan our holidays.

But most of the time I use it for school.

It has a big meaningis important for me,
but it isn’t not as much important as my friends.
überprüfe aber bitte die Rechtschreibung
Wenn das Erlernen der Mathematik einigermaßen ihre Erfindung wiederspiegeln soll, so muß es einen Platz für Erraten, für plausibles Schließen haben.
[Aus dem Vorwort zu "Mathematik und plausibles Schliessen, Bd. 1 Induktion und Analogie in der Mathematik" von Georg Pólya]

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